I took Livi in for her regular chemo appointment on Monday, April 26th. It was her 4th from the last final chemo appt. and low and behold, her port was not working. The saline was ballooning in her armpit and making her cry out in pain. They sent us over to the hospital to do a line study and see if the line was broken or clogged. They say it happens quite regularly. So, off Livi and I walk to Sunrise Hospital, right across the street. Bill, of course had just flown out of town that morning to Iowa, and so Bill was set up to go to the Hulme's house after school. Michelle Hulme, and the whole family for that matter, SAINTS! The staff finally got Olivia back to x-ray and decided to bring in an "expert" to make sure the port was accessed correctly. This irritated me. I said, "You mean that you think the people who access these ports everyday all day don't know how to do it as good as your nurse?" "Well, blah blah blah blah blah..." The nurse comes in. I tell her that all the fluid is pooling in her armpit and it really hurts. She figures that since the saline is going in that it is accessed correctly and then proceeds to flush it again. She can't even figure out what to do. Remember, this is the "expert". I first have to show her how to take the red cap off the end of the line that is there to help keep the line clean, and then she can't get it to flush at all. The whole time I'm floored. I tell her, "You have to unclamp the line.!" ARGH! Then she starts to flush. I tell her to be careful, it's only going to pool and it hurts Livi when it does it. She pushes about 20cc's before I say, "Okay, that's enough. It's clearly not working and doing just what the doctor's office said. You're hurting my daughter. You need to stop!" UGH, I hate nurses and doctors who are too proud to admit they haven't done something before, or that they are still learning.
Enter in the x-ray tech and the doctor. Together they can not find the clot/bulge in the line. They are moving Livi all over the table and can't find it. I look at the screen and the big black spot and say, "Is that it right there?" "Oh yeah, there it is." UGH!!! To listen to him explain what happened with the line is somewhat comical. I know enough about her line by now to know what he is saying doesn't quite fly. We get back to the oncologists office and I share the wonderful experience... it makes for a good laugh. The real reason of why it wasn't working, and remember, ports stop working all the time, but of course, this is my daughter, and my daughter likes to be different. A sheath had formed over the end of Olivia's line. The sheath grew so large that it followed the line clear back to Livi's armpit. The fluid was being pushed through the line, out of it, into the sheath and following the line back to the end of the sheath(the armpit) and pooling. They had never seen this happen before. Of course, like I said, we like to be different. Surgery needed to happen. A new port needed to be placed for her 4 more rounds of treatment and the follow up checks that would happen til February 2011.
The surgery was supposed to be for Wednesday, so Bill, after going out for steak dinner Monday, flew home Tuesday before his first shift of work. (In essence, he flew to Iowa for a steak dinner all on the government's dime. Gotta love those tax payers!) The best part of all, Livi's surgery wasn't able to be scheduled 'til Friday.
3 surgeries in 3 years
Regardless of timing, it was a good thing Dad was there! Don't forget Misaroo II.
Waking up has never been easy for her.
Having the breathing tube really hurt this time. The popsicles offered some relief.
What a great little brother. Bill had gone to pick him up at the house while Livi was in surgery.We had to leave the house at 5:45 so our angelic neighbor Becky, after sending her daughter to seminary, came down to be with Aaron. She bathed him and got him ready for Bill. The boys went shopping to get Liv and new DS as hers had been taken from the doctors office after an appointment. We warranted a surgery as a pretty good excuse to replace her beloved Christmas present. Bill said that the whole time shopping for the game system, Aaron never once asked for one for himself. Only wanted to know how Livi was doing.
When they got to the hospital, Bill went back with Liv and I waited a short time with Aaron. He was so concerned for her. When they wheeled her out in the wheelchair he went running to her screaming her name.
Bill got the car, I carried Livi, and Aaron rode in the wheelchair. A trip down to the oncologist's office for the chemo they forgot to order for the hospital on the other side of town and then home. We all slept for a couple of hours. My visiting teachers brought dinner and I took Aaron to his first soccer practice. Livi threw up a couple of times, once while Dad was outside, she was all alone, poor thing. But had no problem getting to the toilet either time. (Kinda sad when a 6 year old knows that feeling so well.)
Saturday we all went to Aaron's first soccer game. Livi looked great. After soccer we went to Color-me-mine for a Make-a-Wish pottery painting and then from there Livi went to her friend's birthday party at the park. (Writing this now I can't believe she did all that. I can't believe we let her. It's amazing how strong kids are. It's amazing the determination you gain as a parent with an ill child to not let them miss out on life.)
Thank you Grandma for the flowers. They really did put a smile on her face.