Monday, April 19, 2010

Sweet Treat

I could be talking about either thing, Cathy or the fruit. I guess in this
instance, I am talking about both! My friend (I guess I should say "our" friend), Cathy, from Chicago came to visit Las Vegas. She arrived in town with friends on Wednesday and extended her trip by a day to stay with us Saturday night and attend church with us "again" on Sunday. I laughed when she asked me if it would be okay if she came to church "again". As a "thank you" for letting her stay she had this SPECTACULAR Edible Arrangement delivered to us on Friday. It came only a couple of hours before we left for camping, but I can assure you it didn't look this pretty for long. I called Cathy to thank her, she gave the go ahead and the kids
couldn't slow down. Yummie! The kids both agreed that they should call her Aunt Cathy because she loves them so much.
Saturday, when we got back from camping, the kids and I picked her up from Aria (Bill was doing a run). She too enjoyed the goodnight button and the comfortable bedding. Cathy enjoyed it so much that she even ordered their pillows! Olivia set up a restaurant complete with entertainment, violin and a song that her and I sang. Cathy treated us to a fun dinner at Red Robin. She had never been before but remembered it from our birthday blogs. She understood why we did kid birthdays there.
Sunday, after church Livi and Aaron put on a sock puppet show complete with scenery. Aaron practiced riding his bike without training wheels, and Bill got smacked with a swinging tennis
ball while trying to pose for a picture. The weekend ended way too soon and I had to take Cathy back to the airport not knowing when our paths would cross again. We both feel very fortunate to have had these two visits so close together (she came in December 2009). I hope for Bill and I to go back to Chicago in the next year or two and catch a Cubs game in the spring. Thank you Cathy for loving our family. Oh, by the way, glad I was finally able to give you your Christmas present. We love you!

1 comment:

Cathy said...

I had such a good time and didn't want to leave. Thanks to Livi for giving up her room for a night. The visit was perfect from a dinner out, to Livi's violin recital, to the sock puppet show... and most of all our time spent catching up. I feel so fortunate that my trip was when Bill was in town too. I am sure Bill got tired of all my various questions throughout the weekend. Hopefully a trip to Chicago is in the near future for the family.